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While we couldn’t be prouder of Houston’s resilience nor more grateful for 2018’s positive real estate headlines, Harvey was a disruption we intend to heed. Seriously. We have a real opportunity to do differently for our beloved bayou city.


My job as your Realtor is to study and make sense of it all, to be an active part of the discussion on your behalf, and to educate you. I’ve become flood-literate so that I can translate it all for you before the next, possibly worse, flood. Being in the 100-year floodplain doesn’t mean a home will flood every 100 years. That really means that in the life of its 30-year mortgage there is a 26% chance of it flooding. If you don’t get that, that’s okay—because I do.


How can I help you make sense of it all?



Below are some useful links that can help you navigate your way as you consider purchasing a home in the Bayou City.    Remember, I am never too busy for your questions.

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