Phases of Construction - Finishes

Now it's time for your finishes. If you've stayed true to your budget and you have more money you can spend, you can upgrade your finishes here.
Your counter tops will go in first, then your sinks, back-splash and plumbing and light fixtures.
Make sure you clear any plumbing fixture with your plumber before purchasing. If he uses a specific valve in your shower, for example, you'll need a plumbing fixture that's compatible. As well, you want to make sure that what you choose will pass inspections. Some people like the look of a bottle trap, especially if the plumbing is going to be exposed, but only a p-trap will pass inspection. You can go back later and change it.
I had a claw foot tub installed. I could not pass inspection with the accompanying plumbing fixtures as they were. My plumber had to make them comply with inspections and then came back and fixed them to be more aesthetically appealing.
Light fixtures will go in along with switches and plates. This is when you want to consider dimmers and the different types of light switches. What about the color of your switch plates. Perhaps a chandelier in your bathroom - assuming you made a junction box for a light.
Door knobs and hinges are finalized and installed.
This is also when your landscaping might be completed as well. There might be some grading improvements to be done. Sod will be put down and drains lines installed.
You might be required to plant a tree in your front yard by the City. Houston has a list of required trees from which builders select. I wanted a palm tree but it wasn't on the list. So, I picked a tree from the list and after inspections, moved it to the back of the house so I could plant a palm in front.
Other things that might happen now is your energy efficiency will be tested by an inspector. If you haven't installed your insulation under the floor (for pier & beam houses) this is when you would complete that. The vent hood needs to be in place as well.
Once everything is in place, you should be ready for your final inspection with the city. I found the final inspector to be the most strict. Be patient.